Our Curriculum
The term "curriculum" can encompass all of the learning experiences that a student has. Thus, it can be applied to lessons learned both in classes and outside of the classroom in interactions in the school community, assemblies, special events, school trips and extra curricular activities. This section of the website is devoted to CDNIS's documented curriculum, focusing on the subjects identified below.
We are a through train, continuum IB school, offering the Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme and Diploma Programme. Our CDNIS documented curriculum is a customized version of the Ontario curriculum that meets both Ontario and IB standards. For grades 9-12, and for several subjects from prep to grade 8 the curriculum comes directly from the Ontario documents. Some subjects in Preparatory (age 4/5) to Grade 8 follow our own CDNIS curriculum or a curriculum that we have adapted from Ontario and a few other sources. In grade 11 and 12, both the IB Diploma Programme curriculum and the Ontario curriculum are followed, resulting in our graduates earning both the IB Diploma and Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
Our CDNIS curriculum provides a dynamic, comprehensive learning journey for our students as they develop and grow. The curricular expectations are based on students developing a conceptual understanding, developing skills and applying their learning in real-world contexts. Learning builds on the foundations set in previous years. Teachers collaboratively use the CDNIS documented curriculum as a foundation and leverage the Joy of Learning, our CDNIS definition of high quality teaching and learning as well as the frameworks/curriculum of the IB programmes to create motivating and enriching learning engagements and assessments for our students in subject-specific, interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary units.
To explore samples of our school's written curriculum, please click on the subjects below. Please note that our curriculum is continually under review and development and the sample displayed here is only a small portion of the whole.
Vision, Mission and Values
CDNIS' vision, mission and values guide our curriculum and pedagogical practices that support our definition of high quality learning.