Child Safeguarding
CDNIS is aligned with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and supports the International Task Force on Child Protection (ITCP) Report and Recommendations which has set the standards for safeguarding in schools worldwide. CDNIS has based its Child Protection Policy and Procedures on the ITCP expectations and expects all individuals and groups affiliated with the school community to act with integrity and to take responsibility for keeping students safe.
At CDNIS we know that learners need a secure and supported environment in which to learn. We believe that every child, regardless of age, has at all times and in all situations a right to feel safe and protected. Our safeguarding policies and procedures encompass student well-being; bullying; harassment and discrimination; use of physical intervention; meeting the individual physical, psychological or medical needs of students; drug and substance misuse; safe behaviours education; online safety; the welfare of residential students and learners on school expeditions; as well as safe staff selection processes.
CDNIS aims to be a child safe organization in which all adults take responsibility for being aware of the dangers of child abuse, committed to preventing harm to our students, responding to any concerns about child safety or well-being, and knowing how to report those concerns.
Responsibility for review of all child protection policies and procedures is delegated by the Head of School to the Child Protection Lead and are reviewed annually. CDNIS treats all investigations into child protection concerns as confidential. In some cases, this information may need to be shared with local authorities. The CDNIS Child Protection Policy and Procedures are endorsed by the CDNIS Board of Governors.
Hong Kong Family and Child Protective Services
If you are concerned about the safety or well-being of a student in Hong Kong you can contact Family and Child Protective Services directly. Hotline: 2343 2255